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The Story

Formerly known at the ‘Hamblin Centre’ and ‘Bosham House’ this gentle place housed a charitable Trust set up to promote the teachings and life of Henry Thomas Hamblin (1873-1958). Hamblin was a mystic, who experienced visions all his life and believed, due to his own experiences, that one could improve one’s life dramatically, through positive thought and meditation.


Myself and Marianne  pitched to take over guardianship of what had already been created by Hamblin and subsequent caretakers in December 2021. We have a very similar vision to HTH, and felt aligned with the existing ethos; I had worked at the centre for years and had got to know it well. So many signs and signals came- I received notice of our successful application not only by email but 5 minutes before by receiving a deep purple light in my 3rd eye centre.. my spiritual inbox if you like!  We were lucky enough to have built great trust from our community who enthusiastically backed us all the way. When we flailed, they picked us up. We were not familiar with the legal or business aspects of what we were taking on and luckily for us my wonderful cousin Mike, a business and financial Guru appeared like a gene from a lamp and put in the hard work to guide us all over the line. Such a great model for future business, Mike and trustee Noel Raine sat for hours together working through the finer points of the transaction. Not only great teamwork but friendships forged. 

As for the future, Marianne and I want to bring a new energy to the centre- to continue the good work but focus more on the generations to come. They will change our world and we need to guide and encourage them; the centre has already breathed in the new life as children have enjoyed the space more, and we have nourished it with regular, free, twice weekly meditations. We envision more retreats, more community gatherings, deep spiritual work, more love and definitely more laughter.

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